CAROTS in short
The objective of CAROTS is to establish a new type of SME – Commercial Analytical Research Organisations (CAROs) – providing services in various fields. CAROs will help enterprises to benefit from knowledge and potential of scientists and research facilities in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). As intermediary companies they will facilitate access of companies to advanced research infrastructures (ARI) and to scientific expertise needed to solve analytical tasks in areas like e.g. New Materials, NanoTech or Life Sciences and thus significantly expedite innovation.
The goal of CAROTS is to initiate a test bed in the BSR for a new type of intermediaries between industry and ARIs. CAROTS aims at involving private capital – by investing in CAROs – in the collaboration between industries and publicly owned analytical facilities.
Although a few CAROs already exist in Europe, we see a high potential for additional enterprises of this type. CAROTS wants to improve conditions for this type of industrial research start-ups along with greater visibility, better knowledge transfer and by attracting entrepreneurs and venture capitalists for support.
CAROTS Publications
Part of the output from the project CAROTS includes various publications. Their aim is to explain why a project aimed at further developing the relationship between science, research and industry as well as making CAROs (Commercial Analytical Research Organisations) more visible as great change agents for the European innovation system is necessary.
Showcasing CAROs
Commercial Analytical Research Organisations (CAROs) act as intermediary service providers between scientists as well as research facilities and industry. Meet the pioneers and find out what made them excel in our series of intermediary company portraits.